Track: Future Directions in Diabetes and Endocrinology

Diabetes Congress 2025

Advances in Gene Therapy for Diabetes: Gene editing technologies like CRISPR aim to correct genetic defects or boost insulin production, offering potential diabetes cures.

The Role of Stem Cells in Endocrine Disease Treatment: Stem cell therapy seeks to regenerate insulin-producing beta cells, offering a promising approach for treating type 1 diabetes and other endocrine disorders.

Precision Medicine in Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders: Personalized treatment strategies use genetic, metabolic, and lifestyle data to tailor therapies for optimal disease management.

The Promise of Artificial Pancreas Systems: Automated insulin delivery systems mimic natural pancreatic function, improving glucose control and reducing the burden of diabetes self-management.

Global Initiatives for Diabetes Prevention and Management: International efforts, like WHO's "Global Diabetes Compact," focus on awareness, prevention, and access to care for managing the global diabetes epidemic.